3 Ways Shapewear Supports a Healing Postpartum Body

Posted by hourglass angel on May 20th 2016

3 Ways Shapewear Supports a Healing Postpartum Body

3 Ways Shapewear Supports a Healing Postpartum Body

Posted by hourglass angel on May 20th 2016

Healing diastasis recti and other postpartum conditions with the support of shapewear

Nine months of pregnancy does a lot to your body: not only do your abdominal muscles stretch out to accommodate a growing baby, but you might find that your joints are quite loose and your core is significantly weakened, which can lead to all sorts of discomfort.

While these are all normal processes, you need to take care of yourself and heal properly, especially in those first few weeks and months postpartum.

Did you know that postpartum shapewear is a great way to get the extra support you need while your body heals? Here are three ways you can use it:

  1. Support Healing Abdominal Muscles and Diastasis Recti

Your abdominal muscles will naturally stretch and pull apart during pregnancy, and for most women they don't naturally snap back into place immediately after childbirth. In fact, many women suffer from a condition called diastasis recti, which means that your abdominal muscles sustain a large gap in the middle. This condition can persist for months or even indefinitely following a pregnancy if you don't actively try to heal it. If you just can't seem to get rid of that belly, even if you've lost the pregnancy weight, this might be the problem.

If this is you, talk to your doctor about what core-strengthening exercises you need to do to lessen the gap and pull your abdominal muscles back in (and DON'T do crunches, as they will make it worse!). In the meantime, you may find that a waist trainer provides excellent support while those muscles heal and strengthen on their own—not to mention it will conceal that loose tummy while you're wearing it.

  1. Correct Sagging Posture

When you were carrying your baby, you may have found that your posture changed significantly. Your weight shifted, your core was weakened, and even after the birth you may find that your back hurts regularly. Wearing a waist trainer is a great way to correct that posture while you regain your core strength.

  1. Support Weakened Ligaments

During pregnancy, your body releases hormones that relax your ligaments so that you can carry the baby and give birth. But like your abdominal muscles, those ligaments don't snap right back into place; you might feel pretty weak through your abdomen and hips for months following the birth. Here again, shapewear can provide extra support and compression while those ligaments heal. Try a postpartum belly binder or even a hip-slimming corset to help this problem.

If you're a new mom, we hope you enjoy this special time with your little one. Get the extra support you need so that you can focus on your baby and not worry about your body.

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