Can You Split the Hours of Waist Training Throughout the Day? 4 Tips for Effective, Results-Driven Waist Training

Posted by Hourglass Angel on Feb 8th 2022

Can You Split the Hours of Waist Training Throughout the Day? 4 Tips for Effective, Results-Driven Waist Training

Posted by Hourglass Angel on Feb 8th 2022

When starting a new waist training routine, it can be a little daunting to wear a high compression garment all day, every day. It’s easy to hop in with enthusiasm, but if you don't have a plan for long-term success, then it becomes too easy to give up the habit a few weeks in.

Can you split the hours of waist training throughout the day? Yes, absolutely—and there are a few other tricks that can help you create a habit that sticks and get the results you want.

Below, we outline four tips that can help you create an effective, results-driven waist training routine so you can crush your goals no matter where you’re starting from. But before we jump into the tips, let’s talk about how waist training works, common questions, and what you can expect.

Related Post: How to Build a Flexible Waist Training Routine

How Many Hours a Day Should You Wear a Waist Trainer to See Results?

Wearing a waist trainer has several benefits that can contribute to your slimming progress.

First, wearing a high compression waist slimming garment stimulates heat and perspiration in your core. This is especially noticeable when you work out, as it helps to increase the intensity of your exercise.

Wearing a waist trainer as part of your wardrobe every day keeps that heat around your core working. It also trims several inches from your midsection while you wear the garment, helping your clothes fit better, improving your posture and boosting confidence. Many people find this highly motivating to see a slim and smooth figure in the mirror, which your friends, colleagues, and family may comment on as well.

Waist trainers can also be a motivator and reminder to keep up with your other healthy lifestyle habits. It’s more comfortable to eat small meals throughout the day rather than large ones when wearing waist trainer, which can help prevent overeating. Wearing a workout band also makes you look and feel great. It can be just the boost you need to get up and complete your workout.

With all of that in mind, you should aim to wear your waist trainer for 8 to 12 hours every day to get the best results.

Can You Wear a Waist Trainer All Day?

Most people find that they can comfortably wear a waist trainer all day, but it can take some getting used to. If you start out of the gate wearing a waist trainer for 12 hours every day, you might find it uncomfortable and give it up altogether.

That’s why strategies like taking breaks throughout the day can be effective. The goal is to wear your waist slimming garment for 8 to 12 hours total, not necessarily consecutively.

How Long Does It Take for a Waist Trainer to Show Results?

As was explained above, you can see the results of a waist trainer instantly, just by putting it on. Most styles of waist trainers slim your waistline 1 to 3 inches instantly and can help your clothes to fit better.

As far as when you’ll start to see the results of wearing a waist trainer as part of healthy lifestyle changes, that can vary widely depending on what your goals are, how committed you are to the habit, and how much you change your lifestyle. However, if you’re diligent and keep track of your progress, you may start to see the difference in your waistline in just a few weeks.

For examples of waist training results for real women with different body types and lifestyles, check out our waist training before and after gallery.

4 Tips for Effective, Results-Driven Waist Training

Now that we’ve dug deeper into how waist training works and answered some of the most common questions, here are four ways you can set yourself up for success and achieve your personal best results.

1. Start Gradually

Wearing a high compression garment can take some time to get used to. If you’ve never tried daily waist training before, you’ll want to start your practice gradually.

Begin by wearing your waist training for just an hour or two to start. Slowly add a half hour to an hour each day as your body grows accustomed to the way it feels.

If you want a break, you can take one—but stick to your goals by putting the waist trainer back on later. In this way you can get longer hours of wear each day while still getting some time to relax your torso and give your midsection some air. You can break up waist training into two or more sessions per day. Short breaks for even a few minutes can help you stick with the routine for longer periods.

After a few weeks of gradually increasing the amount of time you wear your waist trainer, you should feel comfortable wearing it for 8 to 12 hours a day every day. You may continue to take short breaks during the day, but after a while you may not find it necessary.

Pro tip: If you find that you’re wanting to skip out on waist training because you want more air for your midsection, try a more breathable waist training option.

The Max Air Flow Breathable Waist Trainer by Hourglass Angel HA111 uses mesh fabric along with a powerful latex core and flexible steel boning so that you get maximum slimming power in a comfortable package.

For even more shaping power, try the Underbust Mesh Corset by Hourglass Angel HA206. This steel-boned corset dramatically slims your midsection using tight laces, with sexy and breathable mesh.

2. Use at Least Two Waist Trainers

While you might start a daily waist training practice with just one garment if you’re a beginner, you’ll soon find that you’re better able to reach your goals if you rotate at least two waist trainers in your wardrobe.

Having choices can help you stick with waist training when you want different styling options—perhaps some days you want the extra support of a waist training vest, while on other days you want a more breathable option. You can also ensure that you always have a waist trainer that is clean and dry; if you use a workout band and have a particularly sweaty workout, you’ll probably want to change into something else for the rest of the day!

Over time, you may also find that you will need new waist trainers as you meet your goals and size down. This is a fun part of the daily waist training experience, so be sure to reward yourself with a new waist trainer as you crush your slimming goals!

3. Build Waist Training into Your Routine

Habits that stick are the ones you don’t have to think about to follow. If you make waist training an automatic part of your daily routine, you’re more likely to stick with it in the long run.

Think of ways that you can build on your current routine with waist training. Keep your waist trainer somewhere visible so that you never forget to put it on. If you use a workout waist trainer, keep it with your other workout clothes.

You can also stack healthy habits to create positive momentum in your day. For example, you might start your morning by drinking a glass of water and eating a light, healthy snack. Doing this gives you the energy to put on your workout clothes and do your daily exercise. Following a shower, you get dressed in clothes that make you look and feel good, including your waist trainer.

With a little forethought, you can create a self-perpetuating daily rhythm that includes waist training. Try it and see what a difference it makes!

Related post: The Science Behind Creating Sustainable, Long-Term Waist Training Habits

4. Track Your Progress

Recording your progress is a powerful motivator and can help you stay on track with your daily waist training habit. You may not realize what a difference waist training makes unless you keep track.

When you begin waist training, take a “before” photo. Take note of the time of day, the location, the angle of the shot, the lighting, and the clothes you’re wearing. Try to replicate these variables every time you take progress photos.

You should also take your waist measurement before you begin, which you should do anyway whenever you order a new waist trainer. To ensure accuracy, use fabric or vinyl measuring tape. Measure your natural waistline, which is about two finger widths above your belly button, where there is a natural bend. Make sure the tape lies flat and level. It should be pulled firmly, but you should still be able to easily slip a finger underneath.

Once you have your baseline data, take progress photos and measurements once a week. If you stick with your habit, you’ll start to notice small changes. By the time you’re a couple of months in, you might notice some big differences between your first photo and your last one.